The blogger

Thomas Jungbauer (a.k.a. tjungbau)

In my research I am mainly applying economic theory to study welfare implications of allocation mechanisms like auctions or platforms in two-sided economies with prices. While my research primarily focuses on high-skill labor markets, my interests extend to many other areas such as industrial organization and entrepreneurship.

I am working on questions related to specialist labor markets, bilateral coordination problems with and without prices, signaling models, reputation effects and the interplay of the firms’ branding and pricing decisions. In the past I also worked on problems arising at the intersection of game and decision theory.

I am currently teaching the Business Strategy core module at the Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University in the 2-year MBA program as well as the MBA/FMBA Cornell-Tsinghua dual-degree program (I also taught in the accelerated 1-year MBA program and the NYC Tech MBA). During my graduate studies at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University I taught sessions for various classes in Economics, Statistics, and Strategy at the undergraduate, graduate, MBA, and executive level.

Before receiving my Ph.D. in Managerial Economics and Strategy from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in 2016, I got myself Master’s degrees in Managerial Economics from Northwestern University and in Economics from the Vienna Institute of Advanced Studies (IHS).